Before Christ mankind was without peace but Jesus came to guide us towards eternal or spiritual peace. Jesus draws another relationship between light and peace or darkness and chaos. Luke 1:79 says Jesus came to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and will guide our feet into the way of peace. This inference suggests that before Christ we were dead or dwelt in the shadow of death and needed redemption through his light. This nexus is spiritual to the effect that to dwell in darkness is to be in a shadow of death. In effect Jesus also drew a relationship between darkness and death. Jesus confirmed that this world is a place of darkness when he said in Matthew 4:16, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death, light has dawned. For this reason, John the Baptist, though he was not the light, came to bear testimony about the light, Jesus who was to come and disperse the darkness, John 1:8. We were lost and always clung to misleading pointers for directions. Before Christ, we were groping in this darkness without any sense of direction as to the way out. The roles and benefits of the sun and the moon are beyond controversy. In a chaotic state at creation, God commanded light and immediately, there was order, Genesis 1:3-4. Darkness comes with fear and insecurity whereas light comes with clarity of vision and confidence.
Wherever there is light, darkness is dispersed.